Google Algorithm

Google algorithm

When you listen google algorithm first question arises in your mind that what does it actually meant? 
There are millions of websites in the world from which Google has to choose best one for query and 
put it at top. Remaining ones are sorted according to their content.
Humming Bird looks at Page Rank, links, good content quality. It is fast. It drop old things and change them into new one. As I tell above, it is so quick as it cannot even noticed by anyone.Mobile optimization is not remain just a choice after its update.
The Caffenine Update in 2010 was meant to gather information instead of sorting it.
Google Panda update in 2011 was major step in history of SEO. It checks sites based on their content. 
Its main purpose is to put high quality content sites at the top position. Panda target whole website. The
 websites hit by Panda has to work in new compaign.
Google Penguin was introduced in April 2012. Its purpose is to low rank of websites that use black-hat SEO techniques like duplicate content, keyword stuffing and cloaking. It is also known as over 

optimization penalty.Google introduced a tool known as “disavow links tool” to recover websites hit by Penguin.
The likely difference between Penguin 2.0 and Penguin 2.1 is simply a deeper level of analysis; the 
ability to crawl and analyze even deeper-level pages to identify spam activities happening at a deeper 

2014 Updates
Unnamed Update — March 24, 2014
 It was thought "softer" Panda update was introduced. Google not confirmed this update.

Page Layout #3 — February 6, 2014
First launched in January 2012. This algorithm penalize sites with too many ads. It is also known as "top heavy".


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