Why there is need of tricks in SEO?
Tricks are not only used in SEO. Although in every field there is need of tricks if you want to stay for long time in that field. In this competitive world if you want to survive with better ranking then you should follow some tips and tricks.
Following tips and tricks will greatly effect on ranking of your site at higher level:-
A. Keyword Research- It is used to find out the words that are mostly searched in search engines. Do SEO on keyword that get rank and you get profit from it. User can search navigational, transactional, informational and seasonal keyword. You can use more than one word that often called long tail keywords. Google provide free SEO tool that is Google Keyword Planner. It gives relative keyword ideas and show competition and traffic on that suggested keywords. You should choose keyword with low competition and high traffic.
B. Title Optimization- You should use title of length 40-60 characters. It must be relative to your keyword and phrases used in keyword also be included in title.
C. URL Optimization- URL should be SEO friendly. It must be matched with content. It really enhance you site at better rank.
D. Meta Description- It must be relative to your content. You can define your whole content in single line nearly 156 characters so that visitor know what your site is about.
E. Content- It must be attractive and meaningful. There is no need to copy paste it. Duplicate content should be avoided. Content must be unique otherwise it get PANDA hit. Write content of above 500 words and also use images that tell what your idea is really behind it. Content must be according to need of audience.
F. HTML Sitemap- As a SEO professional you must create HTML sitemap. It tells whether the crawlers are crawling your site properly or not.
G. Importance of Social Media- It become necessary to have presence in marketing using Social Media. Using social media platform you can boost ranking of your website. You can share information about your products, brands. Online traffic is at boost stage now using social media.
H. Create Quality Backlinks- Actually these are links to your website from other websites. Linkbuilding is one of the most important part of SEO. Penguin hit all those sites that have spam backlinks. It doesn’t matter how many backlinks you use in your site but what the matter is quality of that ones. 

I. Don't use robots.txt to ban large portion of your site.

J. Don't cloak websites. Cloaking means website view is different for user and for search engine.

K. Don't write flash only websites. They are not recognised by Search Engines.

L.Don't use frame tag. It is also not recognised by Search Engines.


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